
Exhibition Statistics for CCE2015
Source:Organizing Committee of CCE 2015-09-17  September 17, 2015

According to professional organization statistics, CCE2015 pulled a record attendance of over 35276 people, total about 15264 attendees participated in the past event.

Exhibitor Statistics 

--CCE2015 has attracted 470 exhibitors from 23 different countries and regions. It is confirmed and highlighted the roaring success even though the event met an unexpected national holiday from 3-5 SEP.
--105 international exhibitors and 365 Chinese exhibitors.
--Exhibition area is 35000sqm.
--5583 attendees are from 470 exhibitors, 1.7% up than last year.
--75% of the exhibitors of CCE2015 have re-booked a stand for CCE 2016 in Shanghai.

Business Visitor Statistics

--Total 9681 visitors attended CCE2015, 99% of visitors stated that they want to receive information about next event and would like to re-visit next year.
--998 international visitors from 58 countries attended CCE2015, 28.4% up than last year. 8683 Chinese visitors participated in CCE2015, 7.3% down than last year because of the national holidays from 3-5 SEP. More than 80% of international visitors are from Asian countries, among them Korea visitors account for 30%, visitors from ASEAN account for 16.7%, indian visitors account for 10%; Besides Asian countries, visitors from Europe account for 16%. USA, Russia and Australia are top three countries outside Asia.

Conferences and Innovation Awards Program

--Three High Forums focused on “Current Situation and Development Trend of China Composite industry”, “Application and  Development of Carbon Fiber and Advanced Composite Materials” and “Development for Wood Plastics Composites Industry”.
--32 technical seminars were held in the same period of the event
-- 7 companies hosted news release on site.
-- Two technical training courses focused on “Key Points for Composites Products Design and “Design and Application for Carbon Fiber Composites”.
--31 products from 27 companies competed for “CCE-JEC Innovation Award”
--10 winners won Innovation Awards by 3 categories of Raw Materials, Application, Process Technology & Equipment.