Industry Trend & Report

Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Decides To Inspect All Imports of Plastic Buttons  March 28, 2013

Brazilian Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Decides To Inspect All Imports of Plastic Buttons Due to evidence of underpricing, the Brazilian IRS decided to inspect all import of plastic buttons. The measure, which came into force as of Mar/01, was motivated by a warning made last year by the Latin American Composite Materials Association (ALMACO), which represents the production chain of the buttons – composites are a type of plastic.
“In the event of new suspicion of underpricing or any doubt in relation to the goods imported, the Brazilian IRS will enforce the temporary or permanent retention of the shipment and apply fines, among other actions”, says Paulo Camatta, executive manager of ALMACO.

Buttons imported from China have arrived in Brazil with an average price of USD 2/kg. To have an idea of what this means, identical products manufactured in the USA and Portugal cost USD 15/kg. “This massive gap confirms the existence of an unfair competition, an activity that has been greatly affecting the Brazilian sector of buttons and, consequently, the entire industry of composites".

The rise in imports of Chinese buttons caused in 2011 a 20% drop in the occupancy rate of Brazilian manufacturers, reducing it to 54.7%, the lowest in history. “The total volume of imports increased from 118,124 kg in 2007 to 1,052,679 kg in 2011, corresponding to a 900% increase”. Thus, according to Camatta, half of the Brazilian demand of 2011 was supplied by China, which accounted for 82% of the total volume of imported buttons in the period.