Exhibition Statistics for CCE2014
Source:Organizing Committee of CCE 2014-09-25
2015-06-05 12:23:28
Click: 11860
 According to professional organization statistics, CCE2014 pulled a record attendance of over 38555 people, total about 15700 attendees participated in the past event.
Exhibitor Statistics
 --CCE2014 has attracted 465 exhibitors from 23 different countries and regions. It is confirmed and highlighted the roaring success of the event.
--109 international exhibitors and 356 Chinese exhibitors.
--Exhibition area is up to 35000sqm.
--5488 attendees are from 465 exhibitors.
--75% of the exhibitors of CCE2014 have re-booked a stand for CCE 2015 in Shanghai.
Business Visitor Statistics
 --Over 10145 visitors attended CCE2014 from 52 countries, 99% of visitors stated that they want to receive information about next event and would like to re-visit next year.
--777 international visitors and 9368 Chinese visitors participated in CCE2013. More than 60% of international visitors are from Asian countries.
Conferences and Innovation Awards Program
 --The High Forum on The Present Situation and Development Trend of Regional Composites Application Marketgathered experts from China, Russia, Japan, Korea to attract lots of professionals to participate in.
--38 technical seminars were held in the same period of the event
--On-site two technical training courses on Application and Development of Mechanized Molding Processes for FRP and Out of Autoclave Composite Moulding Processes won warm appreciation
--33 products from 30 companies compete for Innovation Award
--11 winners won Innovation Awards by 3 categories of Raw Materials, Application, Process Technology & Equipment. 文章来源: